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National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health National Research Center for Maternal and Child Health
Center of Fetal Medicine

Center of Fetal Medicine

Today diagnostics of congenital violations of a fetus at the first screening research in the term of 11-13,6 weeks is possible. Advantage of early diagnostics of a fetus consists in the timely solution of a question of correction of the revealed fetus pathology whereas traditional diagnostics is carried out in 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy.

In National scientific center of motherhood and the childhood within rendering the highly specialized help to pregnant women the only Center of Fetal medicine in Kazakhstan functions. The Center of Fetal medicine represents the expert level of inspection of a condition of a pre-natal fetus for an exception or identification from the I trimester of pregnancy of VPR, chromosomal and genetic diseases of a fetus that is of great importance for the timely solution of a question of possibility of interruption of pregnancy or correction of the revealed fetus pathology.

Aim: simulation to decrease in perinatal, infantile incidence, mortality and an invalidation.

Fetal medicine it:

• Doppler metric research of a blood-groove in a uterine artery, an artery of an umbilical cord, an average brain artery of a fruit and a venous channel for an assessment of placental perfusion and fruit blood circulation.

• Invasive methods of diagnostics, application in practice of only a biopsy of a horion and amniocenteses for definition of a karyotype of a fetus and prenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders by the analysis of DNA.

• Cordocenteses for blood transfusion and platelets to a fruit at alloimmun thrombocytopenia.

• Pleura-amniotic shunting in cases of a pleural exudate.

• Endoscopic laser coagulation at a hard case of a feto-fetalny transfusion syndrome.

• Endoscopic intratracheal placement of a cylinder at fruits from the diaphragmatic hernia.


In the Center of Fetal medicine, services in the Clinic of One-Day type with carrying out are presenting:

- ultrasonic screening

- genetic screening

- invasive prenatal diagnostics

- consultations of the patient

- estimates of risk of obstetric complications (preeklampsiya, delay of pre-natal development of a fruit, premature birth)

- pre-natal correction of the revealed fruit pathology

Besides, in Center of Fetal medicine joint clinical work of staff of this office with other corresponding narrow experts, such as the obstetrician-gynecologist, the children's surgeon, the cardiologist, neonatologist, the neurologist, the neurosurgeon, the grammatologist is carried out. The collaboration purpose - obtaining fuller and exact information on character and features of congenital anomaly of a fruit, development of the child after the birth, possibility of correction of this pathology.

In the Center of Fetal medicine the standards, programs and the managements offered by the professional organizations of Western Europe and the USA (Ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities are used. Report of the RCOG Working Party. London: The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; Fetal Medicine Foundation; American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists). The similar Center of the highest level in the territory of the CIS are available only in Russia (Moscow, St. Petersburg).

